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Sage And Onion Focaccia - Simply Delicious

Sage And Onion Focaccia - Simply Delicious

The combination of sage with white onion, olive oil and sea salt - a perfect combination to accompany an Italian meal or a BBQ. It is simply delicious and so versatile. Easy to make and done in under 1 hour, this Focaccia will become quickly one of your staples. It certainly has in our house...


 And who doesn't like sage - a herb that helps digestion by reducing loss of appetite, gas (flatulence), stomach pain (gastritis), diarrhea, bloating, and heartburn. It is also used for reducing overproduction of perspiration and saliva; and for depression, memory loss, and Alzheimer's disease.


What you need for your Focaccia:


2 ½ cups gluten free flour

2 tbsp chopped sage

1 tsp sea salt flakes

2 tbsp olive oil

¼ cup greated parmesan (or other hard cheese)

2 tsp dried yeast dissolved in

1 cup warm water


1) to make the dough, combine all the ingredients and mix until a smooth dough. Depending on brand of gluten free flour, the dough can be firmer or quite loose. Don't worry too much about this as the end result will still turn out well.

Let the dough rest for 20-30 minutes before putting it onto a baking paper lined tray. You can shape it round our square, what ever you prefer. Top with the onion oil and let it rest while you heat up the oven to 210°C. Once the oven is hot, bake the Focaccia for 25 minutes.



1 small or ½ larger white onion, thinly sliced

¼ cup olive oil

2 tsp sea salt flakes